Monday, June 7, 2010

Hardly Summer

Well I am back from Colorado and what a great time I had there with family and friends. It was one of the first times (since I have been away from home) that I wasn't ready to leave yet! But I did, and now it is back to the real world! I have school 4 days a week and I am also working 2 jobs. The more money the better!!! But, I am so very tired already. I didn't realize that the Summer school schedule could be so ridiculously time consuming. I spent the first Summer Saturday, in my house, studying and completing homework for the upcoming week so I wouldn't get behind with school and work! I love being busy, but boy is it hard! I haven't gotten to see Thomas as much as I have wanted but thats ok. He is very busy with his stuff and, it seems that my day starts at around 7 and doesnt end till around 6. So about then, we get together and do something. On Tuesday evenings we have Institute and then on Thursday, we go play sand volleyball! Its a lot of fun and I couldn't be more happier! Busy busy with school, work, and wedding plans but I wouldnt have it hardly any other way! I am trying to get as much of my school work done as possible before my little sister comes and stays with me for a month! I am real excited about that and I am ready to kick her into shape for highschool softball. I don't think she will enjoy it nearly as much as I will but that is ok!! :) So for this month, work, and school and for next month, Work, School, Sadee, and then a trip home at the end of the month!
I love it!!!

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